AR15 Pivot Pin Tool

1.800 рсд

The AR15 Pivot Pin Tool by Real Avid is a Master Grade® build tool designed to simplify the process of installing a pivot pin in your AR15 rifle. This small task can often cause frustration due to the fumble finger, pin launching and pain-in-the-neck aspects of the installation process. However, with this brilliant little tool, you can turn the installation process into a quick breeze.

The AR15 Pivot Pin Tool makes it easy to install the pivot pin in less than 60 seconds. The installation process is simple and straightforward, with just four easy steps. First, you need to put the Pivot Pin Tool (PPT) fixture over the pin housing on the lower and insert the large PPT pin. Second, you need to load the spring first and then the detent second into the PPT fixture. Compress the spring and detent with the PPT plunger and hold. Third, rotate the PPT assembly 90 degrees and then remove the plunger. Finally, insert the pivot pin, remove the large PPT pin, remove the PPT fixture and snap the pivot pin into the closed position.


Šifra proizvoda: ZRA AVAR15PPT

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The AR15 Pivot Pin Tool is a simplified installation fixture that gives you a third hand to make the installation process a breeze. This brilliant little tool makes the tedious job of installing the pivot pin so easy that you will think it’s cheating.

The AR15 Pivot Pin Tool is compatible with the pivot pin of any AR15 rifle. It is made with durable non-marring components that you can trust on your favorite gun. It includes three components (detent plunger, clevis pin and install tool) and directions for use.

The AR15 Pivot Pin Tool is a great addition to the tool kit of any new or experienced gun owner. Its simple design and easy operation make it a must-have for anyone who wants to work on their AR15 rifle.

Real Avid is known for providing smart tools for people who like to work on AR15 rifles, and the AR15 Pivot Pin Tool is no exception. This tool removes the hassle and lets you work smarter on your rifle.

The AR15 Pivot Pin Tool by Real Avid is a must-have tool for any AR15 rifle owner. Its simple design and easy operation make it the fastest way to install a pivot pin. With this brilliant little tool, you can turn the tedious job of installing the pivot pin into a quick breeze.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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Sed hendrerit. Aenean massa. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse feugiat. Praesent vestibulum dapibus nibh.

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